Page 7 - Spring 2023 e-Newsletter (ENG)
P. 7

Join Spring Clean Cymru 2023

 Last  year’s  Spring  Clean  Cymru  was   In  a  recent  survey,  90%  of  our  Litter
 the  biggest  ever,  with  an  incredible   Champions  (volunteers  that  regularly

 17,000  volunteers  getting  involved   carry  our  clean-ups)  said  that  litter

 in 364 events. Can we work together   picking  made  them  feel  good  about
 to  beat  this  in  2023?  We  think  so!   themselves. 71% said it made them feel
 healthier  and  more  physically  active.

 We  want  to  inspire  thousands  of   And  88%  said  they  felt  they  were
 #LitterHeroes  across  Wales  to  join   having a positive impact on their local

 forces to collect and safely dispose of   area.
 litter  from  our  streets,  green  spaces

 and beaches.  Get involved

 You can register your clean-up on our
 The message is simple: even one bag   website  and  access  free  resources  to
 can make a difference.   help you plan and promote your event.

 Why Spring Clean?  Or, if you’d like to join a clean-up that is

 Not only does litter cost Wales roughly   already organised, you can take a look

 £70  million  to  remove  each  year,  but   at our online map.
 it  also  has  devastating  effects  on  our

 marine  and  local  wildlife.  The  RSPCA
 reports  on  average  receiving  14  calls

 a day about animals affected by litter,
 with calls spiking in the summer months.

 Litter  picking  is  also  a  fun,  free  event
 that  can  benefit  your  health,      well-

 being,  and  sense  of  pride  in  your

 community.  Just  ask  our  Litter
 Champions  if  you’re  not  convinced!

 Register an event  Go straight to the map

 Don’t forget to share your pictures and plans with us using #SpringCleanCymru
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