Page 15 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 15

Outdoor Learning Live

      Each half term, from November onwards, we run  Our January session saw RSPB join us for a Big
      virtual Outdoor Learning Live pupil workshops.  Schools  birdwatch special. 126  classes from
      In these sessions we deliver a highly interactive  70  different  schools  joined  us  for  the  event,
      live virtual lesson in the morning to stimulate  encouraging thousands of pupils to go outside
      and  inspire  the learners.  We  then challenge  the classroom and participate in this important
      them to get outside of the classroom and try  citizen science project. We plan to make this an
      some  of  the  outdoor  activities  that  we  have  annual event, with RSPB tracking the increase in
      shared with them. These activities are linked to  school participation in the birdwatch in Wales
      the Eco-Schools topics and can be linked to the  as a result of our support.
      curriculum.  They  help engage  the pupils  with
      the outside world, ultimately helping to foster

      an interest in the environment.

        Our session for the second half of Spring             “Diolch yn fawr for the wonderful live

        term, celebrated Keep Wales Tidy’s Spring           session this morning and this afternoon. It
        Clean  Cymru campaign and  the wider               made the bird watch into more of an event
        Great  Big  School  Clean.  It  was  fantastic       and the children were totally inspired to
        to  see  so  many  schools  going  out  litter      get out and bird watch. They enjoyed the
        picking  and  helping  improve  their  local                 games, chat and quiz too.
        environment after the session.
                                                            -  M. Picton, Teacher, Pennar Community
                                                                       School, Pembrokeshire

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