Page 25 - End of year report 2022-2023, Eco-Schools Wales
P. 25


         Outputs                                                                          Target       Total

         To  highlight  and  share  inspirational  international  Eco-Schools  case           6           6
         studies with schools in Wales

                                               National Operators Meeting
        Eco-Schools involves more than 56,000 schools  We were keen to celebrate Wales as a leader in

        from  73  countries.  The  National  Operators  sustainable practice, so Catrin travelled to the
        Meeting is an opportunity for organisations that  event  overland,  taking  train  and  bus  to  travel
        run the programme to come together, to share  from Caerphilly  to Rabat. Other  members of
        experiences and  plan  how to  grow our  Eco- the  team  joined  the  conference  virtually,  and
        Schools family even further.                            all reported the benefit of sharing in the global
                                                                aspect of Eco-Schools.
        The  event  this  year,  the  first  face-to-face
        meeting since the pandemic, took part in Rabat,  During  the event, Catrin  shared two
        Morocco.                                                presentations with other members. One linked
                                                                to  the  key  factors  to  increasing  engagement
        Keep  Wales  Tidy  Education  Officer  and  Policy  from our experience  and  the other focussed

        and Research Officer, Catrin Moss was selected  on Climate Change education across Wales and
        to represent Eco-Schools  Wales at this  global  successes to date.
        gathering. Equipped with more than 10 years of
        experience, Catrin shared insights from Wales
        and  took  inspiration  from  our  Eco-Schools
        colleagues from around the world.                                                                        25
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