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               The shift from a stable/organized labor force to a flexible workforce has meant hiring women part-
               time, and the substitution of better-paid male labor by cheap female labor. The new economic policies
               provide State support to  corporate houses that are closing down their big city units and using
               ancillaries that employ women and girls on a piece-rate basis. Homebased work by women and girls
               gets legitimized in the context of increasing insecurity in the community due to a growth in crime,
               riots, displacement and relocation. Sub-contracting, home-based production, the family labor system,
               all have become the norm. This is being called an increase in ‘efficiency’ and ‘productivity’.
               The casual employment of urban working-class women in the manufacturing industry (textiles is a
               glaring  example) has forced  thousands of women to eke out a  subsistence through parallel petty
               trading activities (known as ‘informal’ sector occupations).
               The Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) has forced working women into the unorganized sector
               and deprived them of their rights. The women fall outside protective labor laws such as the Maternity
               Benefits Act (1961), Employees State Insurance Scheme, Factories Act (1948), Equal Remuneration
               Act (1976), Bombay Shops and Establishment Act (1984), Plantation  Labor  Act, and Child  Labor
               (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1976.
               The government finds it difficult to dismiss permanent staff in public sector enterprises because they
               are  organized, vocal and visible. A debate on the issue of part-time work for women creates a
               justification for segmentation of laborers on the grounds of gender. Those in favor argue that working
               women shoulder the burden of domestic duties as well as remunerative/ office work, so a reduction of
               working hours will give  them some relief. This deprives women of promotions and responsible
               assignments  and discriminates against women by projecting them as ‘supplementary  earners.
               Moreover, often the most strenuous part of work is commuting back and forth, and whether a person
               works part-time or full-time,  the same amount of time and  energy is spent  on  commuting. The
               argument in favor of part-time work for women does not question the existing gender-based division
               of labor in the family. It throws the burden of childcare and housework on the individual woman. The
               long-standing demand for family work  to be supported by the State is also negated. The women’s
               movement in India has suggested that ways to reduce the double burden on women could include the
               provision of cheap and safe eating facilities, childcare centers that provide both custodial care and
               developmental inputs for children, and better transport facilities. Studies have shown that the burden
               of poverty falls more heavily on women  than on  men. The inequality in income and consumption
               levels between women and men has also been documented. At least 11% of households in India are
               supported solely by women’s income. In other words, they are ‘female-headed households’ (FHH) —
               households run by widows, single women, deserted or divorced women.
               FHH are  usually  the poorest of  the  poor. The combined effects on these  households of the  new
               economic policies, which translate into  (among other effects), reduced  PDS (Public Distribution
               System) quotas, reductions in healthcare facilities and educational facilities are crushing. Children of
               FHHs suffer more due to nutritional deficiency, inadequate primary healthcare facilities, and cuts in
               expenditure for the education sector. In the National Perspective Plan (NPP) for Women (1988-
               2000), the government responded quite positively to demands from women’s groups for State support
               to FHH. But the SAP works against the objectives of the NPP.
               The number of girls working in the informal/unorganized  sector for precarious wages  has also
               increased. National and multinational corporations operating in Free Trade Zones, Special Economic
               Zones and Export Processing Zones in India employ girls in production units or hire them on a piece-
               rate basis for home-based work. Using girl-child laborers is the cheapest way to increase the profit
               The inflationary impact of the SAP and the reduction in paid work reduces the purchasing power of a
               household, which, in turn, increases the unpaid labor of women. For example, buying cheaper food
               grains or vegetables requires more time for procuring, cleaning and preparation. The unpaid labor of
               women in cooking, cleaning, caring and doing chores that augment family resources (like collection of
               fuel, fodder, water, looking after livestock and poultry, and processing agricultural goods) is regarded
               as elastic by the SAP.
               How  globalization  changes firms’  organizational  structure. Falling communication costs allow
               fragmentation of production processes. Routine tasks can be undertaken in poor countries while more
               complex activities remain in rich ones. Thus, we may see functional instead of sectoral specialization
               with  countries  focusing  on  different  stages  of  production.  The  literature  that  considers  this
               fragmentation has ignored the fact that activity is spatially concentrated within countries. Firms do
               not face a simple choice between rich and poor countries but instead between urban and non-urban
               locations  in those countries. This may change how  globalization  affects firm location. Falling
               communication costs allow firms to offshore routine tasks to low wage countries without losing the
               advantages of locating complex activities in rich country cities.
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