Page 13 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 13

 Membership Engagement
PCMI is your link to the PCM industry. You can get more from your investment in PCMI if you serve on a committee. PCMI board and committee members set policy, manage educational and technical initiatives, plan conferences, develop membership recruitment and retention campaigns, help improve the Institute’s website and social media platforms.
As a committee volunteer, you can help the Institute, make sure your company interests are heard, and have more opportunities to network with your colleagues. We encourage and welcome your participation on a PCMI committee! You can serve on the Board of Directors, Education, IT, Membership, or Conference Committee(s).
Elections to the PCMI Board of Directors will occur at the Annual Meeting in Germany on Tuesday, May 10, 2022.
Cick Here to Volunteer
Welcome New Member
SITAPRESS sro Ucnovska 1 Kosice, 04015 Phone: (421) 903-5123 Peter Zakutansky
Save The Date!
October 8 - 12, 2022
The PCMI Fall 2022 Technical Conference will be held in the United States in Phoenix, Arizona. The program will feature technical sessions, networking, group dinners and a tour of PMA Industries, the Conference host.
PCMI is seeking volunteers to serve on the Phoenix Conference Committee to help plan the technical sessions, schedule and social and networking events. If you are interested in serving on the Committee, please contact
Member News
          Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 13

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