Page 57 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 57
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment
Kirk Lauver, Marketing and Customer Lab Manager, Chemcut Corporation, US
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment The Impact Of Chemistry On Maintenance
Hard Scale
The Problem:
The chlorine flowrate has decreased, and the
machine can no longer maintain a constant oxidation-reduction potential in the etching solution. Therefore, the
etching rate keeps falling.
The Solution:
Hard glass-like scale formed on the inside the pipe downstream from the venturi. The scale altered the fluid dynamics in the pipe and created back pressure at the venturi resulting in reduced chlorine flow. Replacing the piping solved the problem.
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment
“Scale Deposits And The Scale Of The Problem”
Prof. David Allen and Dr. Sue Impey
School of Industrial and Manufacturing Science, Cranfield University Bedford, MK43 0AL, United Kingdom
PCMI, The Journal, no. 90, Sept. 2003, pages 21-24
Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 57