Page 60 - PCMI Journal December 2021
P. 60
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment
Kirk Lauver, Marketing and Customer Lab Manager, Chemcut Corporation, US
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment Nozzles And Nozzles Maintenance
• Etching machines use either full cone or fan nozzles
• Spray angle and flowrate are selection parameters of both types
• Chemistry issues (scales and precipitates) can cause for many nozzles issues
• Improper cleaning and installation can damage nozzles and degrade the etching performance
Maintenance Tips For PCM Etching Equipment Nozzles And Nozzles Maintenance
Nozzles Characteristics
• Nozzle Flowrate = K·P x X = 0.5 for Fan Nozzles and 0.46 for Solid Cone
• Manufacturer’s ratings are typically given at 40 psi (2.75 bar) with water.
• Nozzle Flowrate = 1/(Sp. Gr.)0.5(1 gpm with water will be 0.85 gpm at 1.4 Sp. Gr.)
• Nozzles are the primary flow determiner, not the pump
• There is only one degree of freedom, either control the flow or the pressure, not both
• Reducing the pressure reduces the spray angle, below 20 psi the angle begins to narrow, especially for fan nozzles
Issue 138 December 2021 PCMI Journal 60