Page 159 - PCMI Journal December 2020
P. 159
COVID-19 Group Discussion — Impact on Business
COVID-19 Group Discussion — Impact on Business
The COVID-19 pandemic has created havoc to worldwide economies, PCMI companies and their trade
During the Virtual Conference, attendees divided into group discussions to talk with their colleagues, share experiences, and learn how others confronted the crisis.
The program was moderated by Eric Kemperman, Research & QSHE Manager from Etchform. Team leaders led the discussion groups. They included:
Peter Engel | General Manager | Newcut
Michael Lynch | Vice President | United Western Enterprises
Blake Parkinson | Engineering Team Leader | Watlow Electric Manufacturing Peter Jefferies | Innovation Technology Leader | Heatric, Division of Meggitt Mike Soble | Technical Sales Manager | Chemcut Corporation
Each group discussed several issues, including:
How shelter-in-place orders impacted their company’s ability to maintain production;
The current and future economic impact brought on by COVID-19;
New plans created that changed the work environment to protect their employees’ health and safety; Managing remote workforces; and
The impact on workforce reductions, furloughs, and layoffs
Following the break-out sessions, all attendees reconvened for an interactive discussion to learn what was covered in each group.
Issue 136 December 2020 PCMI Journal 159