Page 267 - Demo
P. 267
Notes to financial statements
for the year ended March 31, 2020
Part b: geographic segment
the Bank operations are predominantly confirmed within one geographical segment (India) and accordingly, this is considered as the only secondary segment.
Sr. No
Part A: Business segments
Business Segments
Retail Banking
Corporate/ Wholesale Banking
1 Revenue 1,311,306 19,000,589
(` in 000's)
63,845 20,375,740
- -
- -
63,845 20,375,740
1,211 3,270,517
- 586,287
- 2,684,231
- 692,059
- -
- 1,992,172
2,250,552 136,945,562
- 476,585
- 137,422,147
2,250,552 119,225,853
- -
- 137,422,147
2 unallocated Revenue
3 (less) Inter Segment Revenue
4 Total Income (1+2-3)
5 segment Result
6 unallocated expenses
7 operating profit
8 tax expenses (including deferred tax)
9 extraordinary profit/ loss
10 Net Profit (5-6-8-9) other information:
11 Segment Assets
12 unallocated Assets
13 Total Assets
14 Segment liabilities
15 unallocated liabilities
16 Total Liabilities
- -
- -
1,311,306 19,000,589
261,241 3,008,065
- -
- -
- -
- -
- -
25,235,393 109,459,617
- -
- -
25,235,393 91,739,908
- -
- -
tax paid in advance / tax deducted at source (net of provisions), Deferred tax Assets and others which cannot be allocated to any segments, have been classified as unallocated assets.
Part b: geographic segment
the Bank operations are predominantly confirmed within one geographical segment (India) and accordingly, this is considered as the only secondary segment.
23 ReLATed PARTy dIsCLOsuRes (As-18)
As per AS 18 Related party Disclosures notified under Section 133 of the Companies Act 2013, read together with paragraph 7 of the Companies (Accounts) Rule 2014 and Companies (Accounting Standards) Amendment Rules 2016, the Banks' related parties during the year April 01, 2019 to March 31, 2020 are disclosed below:
holding company :
ujjivan Financial Services limited (uFSl)
Key Management Personnel (KMP) :
Mr. nitin Chugh (Managing Director and Ceo) (From December 01, 2019)
Mr. Samit Ghosh (Managing Director and Ceo) (Retired on november 30, 2019) Ms. upma Goel (Chief Financial officer)
Mr. Chanchal Kumar (Company Secretary)
enterprise in which relatives of KMp are members :
parinaam Foundation (upto november 30, 2019)
enterprise in which KMp are members :
ujjivan Welfare and Relief trust uSFB employee's Gratuity trust uFSl employee's Gratuity trust
In accordance with paragraph 5 of AS - 18, the Bank has not disclosed certain transactions with relatives of Key Management personnel as they are in the nature of banker-customer relationship.