Page 72 - Demo
P. 72
Social Responsibility
Responsible towards our communities
our growing business draws its strength from
the community to which it owes its existence
and licence to operate. We are firm believers in creating sustainable social impact by integrating our communities with our business objectives.
During FY 2019-20, our CSR activities largely focused on healthcare/preventive healthcare, sanitisation, cleanliness, disaster relief, promoting education, making available potable water and livelihood support.
pRoject SWachh neiGhBoURhood
We undertook this key initiative
to support the national Swachh Bharat Mission. The pilot project was conducted near Koramangala branch in Bengaluru. We gradually scaled this initiative to 98 locations across 67 districts in 15 states.
The project calls upon our people as volunteers who collaborate with local communities to clean
the areas and build a sustainable model for maintaining cleanliness in future. Locations contiguous
to our branches were identified and the streets were cleared of garbage. Additionally, the walls and pavements were painted to discourage people from littering. Our people also involved local schools in these activities, inspiring them to maintain ‘swachhta’ neighbourhoods.
These initiatives were well supported by schools and local authorities. Some of these schools organised awareness marches aligned with our cleanliness drives, while at some locations the municipality joined us by enabling our volunteers with prompt garbage pick-up.
SociaL ReSponSiBiLitY in nUmBeRS
* 22,700
total number of beneficiaries
`1.24 crores Total CSR expenditure
*Some of the projects are under work-in-progress; hence estimated number of beneficiaries
are also included.
70 | AnnuAl RepoRt 2019-20