Page 8 - Demo
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   Physical and Digital Channels
Widening and deepening presence
Our distribution network has empowered us with expertise
to understand and categorise different customer segments. We design our solutions and services based on the insight that we gather from diverse requirements of our customers.
All our branches are optimally equipped in terms of personnel, infrastructure and products. We intend to offer our customers a standardised experience across all branches.
We encourage and empower customers to conduct their banking operations through secure digital channels, including internet, phone and mobile banking. With our digital platform, we have enabled paperless and handheld device-based loan origination and cashless disbursements for our customers.
diGitaL pReSence
internet & corporate banking
• Web-based platform(s) which can be accessed from any system
• offers high volume bulk upload facility
• Facilitates customisable client centric
approval matrix
phone banking
• A 24x7 assisted banking services to customers
• Servicing customers in 14 languages
• Provides missed call and SMS banking services
mobile banking application
• Available in Android and iOS operating systems with 4.7 Lakhs users
• Available in nine languages – English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Bengali, Marathi, Gujarati, Punjabi and Odia
• Working on voice and video enabled customer interfaces
tablet based origination
• Digital acquisition for loan and deposit products
• Enabling doorstep service
• Drives faster and easier servicing with better TAT
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