Page 12 - Bahasa-Inggris-BS-KLS-X
P. 12

Scope and Sequence
                                        Reading And  Grammar   Writing And   And  Vocabulary  Project  Presenting  Viewing  Structures  Present   Sports A portrait  Writing  Reading a text   simple  and an  a simple  and inding   essay  descriptive   general   of great  text on a great  and speciic   athlete athlete of their  information in   preference the text about   great athletes  Adjectives,  Physical   Adverbs for  description  describing  Adverbs of  Events, time,  Sports event  Writing a  Reading a text   time and place proposal recount text on  and inding   an experience   general

                                          Speaking  Talking about   photographs of   athletes and the   sports they play  Describing   athletes and the   sports they play  Talking about   the experience   of watching a   sports event   using 5 senses  Telling a sport   event using 5   senses

                                          Listening  Listening to   description   of athletes in   a monologue   and in   conversations  Listening to   someone’s   experience of   a sports event

                                          Topic   Great   Athletes                      Sport   Events

                                 Semester 1  Theme  Sports

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