Page 4 - Completebook
P. 4

2.  Experience the Beautiful                                                  3.
          COMMON FACTS

          • Estimated population in 2020: 1,259,200  • Area: 13,305 km square
 TIME TO  • Capital: Kuala Terengganu          • Industries: Oil & Gas, Fishery,
                                                         Agriculture & Tourism

          • Ethnicity: Malay, Chinese, Indian & others

 Airlines serving Kuala Terengganu (Code TGG).
 Direct flights from Kuala Lumpur only  Proof of the earliest Islamic influence
                  within this country was from 700 years   Home to a 300 years old copper industry
 Air Asia  Malaysia Airlines  Malindo Airlines  Firefly

                  The longest beach in Malaysia is located   Redang Island and Perhentian Islands are
 By Road  Distance  Hours  in Terengganu with a span of 244 km   considered as one of the best diving spots
                  from north to south.                 in the world.
 From Kuala Lumpur  440 km  4h 30m via Route E8

 From Singapore  608 km  8h 30m via Route 3, AH18 & E8
                  Kenyir Lake is the biggest man-made   Famous in boat making worldwide for its
 From Johor Bahru  568 km  6h 30m via Route 12 & E8  lake in Malaysia. It contains a total of 340   handmade boats without making plans
                  islands which were originally hilltops.  or using nails.
 From Pulau Pinang  444 km  7h via Route 4
 From Kota Bharu  158 km  2h 50m via Route 13
                  Stone Age Fossils dating back to 8,000   Fifth “Best Beach to Swing a Hammock”
 From Kuantan  236 km  2h 30m via E8 & 13  to 20,000 years ago were discovered in   according to Lonely Planet in 2010. 13th
                  Terengganu as proof that caveman     Best Beaches in the world according to
                  settlements were there back then.    CNN in 2013.
                  Terengganu State Museum Complex is   Silat Kura-kura (lit. tortoise silat) is only
                  the biggest museum complex in        available in Hulu Terengganu.
 TERENGGANU       Southeast Asia.

 MALAYSIA         Setiu Wetlands consists of nine
                  magnificent ecosystem, three river basin   The biggest Batik manufacturer in
                  and a 14 km-long lagoon, one of the most   Malaysia.
 KUALA            diverse wetlands in Malaysia.

                  The Chemerong Waterfall in Dungun is   Terengganu Songket and woodcraft is
                  the highest vertical drop in Malaysia.  considered as the best in Malaysia.
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