Page 7 - Completebook
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Main                                                                                                                                           Kuala Terengganu  7.

      Attractions                                                                                                              Abidin Mosque (Masjid Putih)
                                                                                                                               Is  the  oldest  mosque  in  the  state  of  Terengganu.  This
                                                                                                                               mosque is also known as Masjid Besar or Masjid Putih and
                                                                                                                               is  one  of  the  main  tourist  hotspot  for  its  mesmerizing

                                                                                                                                  Masjid Abidin

                                                                                                                               Noor Arfa Craft Complex (NACC)
                                                                                                                               Noor  Arfa  Craft  Complex  (NACC)  is  famous  as  another
                                                                                                                               must-visit  destination  when  touring  Terengganu.  As  a
                                                                                                                               craft complex, NACC have a lot of interesting attractions
                                                                                                                               especially  Batik.  Most  of  Malaysian  associates  NACC  as
      The state of Terengganu is truly   Terengganu Drawbridge                                                                 the biggest Batik Pavilion in Malaysia.
      unmatched for its bountiful       Kuala Terengganu Drawbridge is the newest landmark
      nature’s gift and a state that is  in the capital of Terengganu, and the first of its kind in
      becoming more and more            Southeast  Asia.  It  was  opened  for  public  access  on                      
                                        August 2019. The 638 metre bridge across Terengganu
      prominent in the hearts of locals   River’s  embouchure  connects  the  city  of  Kuala                                     8:30am - 6:00pm | Daily
      and foreigners alike. It is well   Terengganu and Seberang Takir. The drawbridge
      known for its interesting tourist  displays a modern, striking architecture with the                                        Noor Arfa Craft Complex
      destinations such as Redang       design of four of it’s 15 storey towers inspired by the Tower
                                        Bridge in London. At night, the structure is lit with
      Island, Perhentian Island, Kenyir   colourful lights. If you’re lucky, you can catch a glimpse
      Lake and its newest addition, the   of the double-leaf bascule opening up to make way for                                Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan Malaysia
      iconic Terengganu Drawbridge      ships passing through.                                                                 Cawangan Terengganu
      which is one of the main                                                                                                 Is  the  centre  of  producing  a  variety  of  high  quality
      attractions in Terengganu.                                                                                               handicrafts.  Also,  handicrafts  throughout  Terengganu
                                                                                      are placed in a specified place here to provide an array of
                                                                                                                               selections for visitors.
                                           Terengganu Drawbridge
        *Scan the QR code for locations
                                                                                                                                  8:00am - 5:00pm | Sun - Thurs
                                                                                                                                  Perbadanan Kemajuan Kraftangan
      Pasar Kedai Payang                                                                                                          Malaysia Cawangan Terengganu
      Pasar Kedai Payang or commonly known as Pasar Payang,
      is a must-visit destination upon visiting Terengganu.
      Payang Market can be considered as a shopping                                                                            Terengganu Science & Creativity Centre (PSKT)
      heaven for both locals and tourists.                                                                                     PSKT  is  a  platform  for  informal  education  regarding
                                                                                                                               Science & Technology which houses an exhibition gallery
      This is the best location to get local products such as                                                                  and lots of interesting  Science & Technology exhibits.
      hand-woven  songket,  batik,  silk  and  scarfs  apart  from
      keropok,  jewelleries,  handicrafts  and  etcetera.  It  is  also
      the main market to procure groceries, local produces and
      fresh seafoods.
         7:00am - 6:00pm | Daily                                                                                                  8:00am - 5:00pm | Sat - Thurs
         Pasar Kedai Payang                                                                                                       Pusat Sains & Kreativiti Terengganu
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