Page 12 - February 2022 Track N Times
P. 12
Spotlight—Shea Oelfke
What is the best advice anyone has given you, and who was it from?
Just because it’s always been done that way doesn’t make it right or the best way. My first superintendent Robert
Jones told me that when I was very new after asking about the procedure we used to idle up the engine. After I
asked, we changed the procedure. It’s all about keeping an open mind to new ideas and possibilities. Unfortunately,
there are a lot of bosses out there who only do things a certain way, using Robert’s advice I try to keep an open
mind and try new things which can be difficult in our world.
What advice would you give a new employee at Loram?
Listen and try. If you listen to your mentor and try hard you will be successful at Loram. You can move up very fast
if you want to and if you put forth the effort.
How do you pass time when you get a day off?
I usually do everything in my power to convince myself to go for a run or do some form of exercise. I am not always
successful. After that I will make food for the week on an induction cooktop, everything from chili to burritos to
homemade pizza. Then it’s time for a beer and some Call of Duty.
What has been your favorite city you have been to while working at Loram and why?
Hungry Horse, MT. You can walk to the river from the hotel and slay trout, do a little cliff diving or just chill on the
river shore. It’s an awesome place.
Do you have any mentors? If so, who are they and why do you consider them a men-
My Father. He has taught me so much about life and being a good and generous person. Always put others before
yourself. He has also given me a huge skill set from fixing a water heater to doing a complete remodel to buying and
selling property to haggling in a retail store.
If you had one thing you would like to be known for what would it be?
I just want to be known as a good person, good friend and a great deer hunter.
What is a work-related accomplishment that you’re really proud of?
At one point as a superintendent on SBC24 Bo Hemberry told me I had the cleanest machine in the fleet.
What are some of the things you find challenging about your work?
This one is pretty obvious, it’s the travel. The job is awesome but traveling and missing out on so many things at
home is very tough.
What are some of the things you enjoy the most about your work?
The freedom. I like that when I really need to be home, I can be. I like being able to make a decision on a machines
functionality to improve it and the ability to go ahead and make that change without too much red tape. I like having
the freedom to choose where I go when everything is running smooth.
Continued Pg. 13
Volume 3 : Issue 1 Page 10