Page 3 - February 2022 Track N Times
P. 3


         What’s My Trigger?

         By  Marc Hackett, Director  Ballast and Road Bet Maintenance

         As we look forward to another busy year I would              deeper  instructions?    Many  decisions  are  made
         like everyone to stop and ask yourself a question,           based  on  what  happened  the  last  time  a  job  was
         “when it comes to working safely, what’s my trig-            performed.  This “experience” may or may not be
         ger”?  What would cause me to stop and rethink               an indication of what will happen the next time that
         my course of action?  Work habits and compla-                same job is undertaken.  By focusing on the detail
         cency go hand in hand.  It’s been proven that the            we can all eliminate the potential for bad outcomes
         more someone performs a task, the                                         if we understand load ratings, abra-
         more risk they are willing to toler-                                      sive  wear  patterns,  proper  rigging
         ate.    In  Minnesota  we  are  accus-                                    techniques, and everything else that
         tomed to what many consider to be                                         goes  into  a  successful  lift.    It’s  the
         a risky endeavor, ice fishing.  As the                                    little things!
         season  begins,  early  ice  fishermen                                    Let’s look at another situation.  You
         head out onto very thin ice, some-                                        have  a  bit  of  a  cough  and  you  are
         times only a couple of inches thick.                                      thinking  it  is  time  to  for  seasonal
         As  the  season  progresses  people                                       allergies  to  hit.  You  push  through,
         become more comfortable with the                                          head to work and the next day you
         idea of being on the ice.  More peo-                                      are sick and in a bad state.  What’s
         ple  hit  the  lakes,  the  charts  and                                   your  trigger  for  saying  you  are too
         graphs come out that describe how                                         sick  to  work?    Has  Covid  changed
         thick the ice needs to be to support                                      your  thinking  when  it  comes  to
         people, vehicles, fish houses, all the                                    working  when  you  feel  ill?    Again,
         apparatus people drag onto the ice                                        each  person  has  an  individual  deci-
         cover  the  frozen  waters.    All                                        sion  to  make,  and  it  is  typically
         throughout  the  season  people  and                                      based  on  past  experiences.    You
         their gear break through the ice and                                      know  how  you  feel  when  you  get
         sometimes  perish.    The  reality  is                       sick,  you  know  how  your  body  responds,  but
         that no ice is ever considered to be “safe”, all ice         Covid threw the world a curveball.  Pay attention
         travel involves risk.  So, I am asking each of you           to the symptoms and take the test, don’t assume
         to consider how you determine a situation to be              life will never change.
         safe versus unsafe.  When do you pull the trigger
         and stop the line?                                           Let’s look at one more situation and see if we can
                                                                      define the proper trigger.  You are a part of a crew
         As we look to define our trigger let’s imagine a             that has just been briefed by the pilot and told you
         couple of real-world situations.  The first, a strap         are good to go to work.  You look at your briefing
         to be used for lifting.  As an employee being told           book  and  notice  that  the  limits  you  wrote  down
         to do a job that involves lifting, do you know how           don’t match the track profile for the track you are
         to read the rating on the strap?  Do you know                on.  Your entire crew starts to move to their work
         how to inspect the strap and look for serviceabil-           locations and your machine is about to move.  Do
         ity?  When do you stop and ask for help and get

                                                                                                    Continued Pg. 2

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