Page 67 - 21-22 T2 Activities - Year 11
P. 67

Music Concert              Term 2            DJ’ing 101

 BE ACTIVE                                                                                                                                             BE ACTIVE
 CONNECT                                                                                                                                      CONNECT

 GIVE                                                                                                                                             GIVE
 TAKE  KEEP                                                                                                                                    TAKE      KEEP
 NOTICE  LEARNING                                                                                                                             NOTICE      LEARNING

 Fees *  Risk                                                                                          Fees  *                    Risk
 Music Concert  DJ’ing 101
 –  Low  XMed  XHigh                                                                                   –                          Low       XMed      XHigh

 Start the week of November 10th, 2021.   Starts in Term 2.

 A short concert providing a platform for students to display their talents and for kgv students to enjoy music. We hope to inspire and raise awareness of   DJ’ing 101 - Learn the basics of how to DJ on a professional DJ controller and setup basic DJ equipment.
 environmental issues by including fun facts in the concert.

 Term  Days  Time  Venue  Term       Days                                                   Time                                        Venue

 1  2  3  XMo  XTu  XWe  XTh  XFr  XTBC  XVaries  Lunch  Outside GLT  1  2  3  XMo  XTu  XWe  XTh  XFr  XTBC  XVaries  LB  1:30-2:10    MS202

 Capacity  Gender  Teacher/Coach/Student Leaders  Capacity  Gender        Teacher/Coach/Student Leaders

 60  XBoys  XGirls  Both  Ms Carlile, Yuki Wong, Christina Cheung  10  XBoys  XGirls  Both  Ms Carlile, Kunal Panjabi

 Some activities such as Baking is provided by an external organization. This will incur an extra cost outside of the CAS fee. For fee-based activities enrolment is for the full year unless otherwise specified. Students have a grace period of two-weeks in Term 1 from August 23 to   Some activities such as Baking is provided by an external organization. This will incur an extra cost outside of the CAS fee. For fee-based activities enrolment is for the full year unless otherwise specified. Students have a grace period of two-weeks in Term 1 from August 23 to
 September 3rd, 2021 to withdraw from the program via LIONeL and thereafter a strict no refund policy applies. Payment shall be made directly to the service provider. Instructions will be sent to those who have been allocated a spot. Payment is required before the student is allowed   September 3rd, 2021 to withdraw from the program via LIONeL and thereafter a strict no refund policy applies. Payment shall be made directly to the service provider. Instructions will be sent to those who have been allocated a spot. Payment is required before the student is allowed
 to start the activity and a strict no refund policy applies. Absences or missed classes on the part of the students is their own responsibility. Should the instructor be absent for a class, it may be rescheduled as a make-up class. Prorated rate is only for those that signed up late to the   to start the activity and a strict no refund policy applies. Absences or missed classes on the part of the students is their own responsibility. Should the instructor be absent for a class, it may be rescheduled as a make-up class. Prorated rate is only for those that signed up late to the
 program. No drop ins will be allowed.  program. No drop ins will be allowed.
 In the interest of your children’s safety, and in accordance with the guidelines of the EDB and Hong Kong Observatory, lessons will be cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions. No refunds will be given. Where possible, participants will be advised of rescheduled ‘make   In the interest of your children’s safety, and in accordance with the guidelines of the EDB and Hong Kong Observatory, lessons will be cancelled in the event of adverse weather conditions. No refunds will be given. Where possible, participants will be advised of rescheduled ‘make
 up’ classes.  up’ classes.
  PAGE 66 — STUDENT LED ACTIVITIES                                                                                                           STUDENT LED ACTIVITIES — PAGE 67
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