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P. 2

Board Members


       John Joseph Coffee                          Lake Ridge Bank

       Words to Consider...

       Small Business and Community Building

       In a smaller community and the world that we are a part of, small
       businesses play a crucial role in driving economic growth, but also in

       shaping the social fabric.  Dealing with social media algorithms and the
       new challenges that separate you from your customers can be
       intimidating and difficult to navigate. The lack of small community
       newspapers presents another challenge, as we have fewer ways to reach

       audiences that are not already familiar with you. How do you build name
       recognition without seeming desperate or by sacrificing your corporate or

       personal image? Through charitable donation of your marketing/outreach
       dollars, time, and skills, you can create deep and meaningful connection
       between you, your employees and the community and customers that

       make it great.

                                                1. Community Engagement and
                                                Reputation Building

                                                     Supporting local charities demonstrates
                                                    a commitment to the community's

                                                    well-being, fostering goodwill and
                                                    positive relationships.
                                                    Enhanced reputation as a socially

                                                    responsible business can attract loyal
                                                    customers who value community

       2.  Addressing Local Needs Directly

             Local charities often have a deep understanding of community needs
            and can efficiently allocate resources where they are most needed.
            By donating locally, small businesses can ensure that their contributions

            have a tangible, immediate impact on their community.
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