Page 80 - The Five Forces of Everything
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changing in the health space. In 2018,
                                                                                           MINTEL observed that  42%  of British
                                                                                           consumers  are  interested  in  personal  diet
          PASSPORT FACTORS                                                                 This future  has  already  arrived in  Japan,  where
                                                                                           plans based on their DNA.

                                                                                           Nestlé, the world’s largest food company, has signaled
                                                                                           its strategy to get more personal by investing in artifi cial
       The Five Forces represent macro dynamics affecting consumer                         intelligence,  DNA testing  and  an  app  to harvest  people’s

       behavior today. Beyond these, we offer three universal factors                      obsession  with  Instagramming their  food.  100,000  users
       that should guide any execution.                                                    already  receive  lifestyle  advice  and  specially  formulated
                                                                                           supplements based upon the pictures they send. The program can
                                                                                           cost $600 (£463) a year for capsules that make nutrient-rich teas,
       Authenticity                                                                        smoothies and other products such as vitamin-fortifi ed snacks.
       With trust in brands more fragile than in past times, manufacturers are             Achieving  a more personal relationship  with  customers can take  many
       placing more importance on authenticity.                                            forms, and must involve a deeper understanding of people’s emotional
                                                                                           and functional needs across tightly defi ned occasions.
       A great back story and naturally set packaging are no longer enough for
       today’s discerning shoppers. They seek evidence of genuineness, integrity           Convenience
       and meaningful distinctiveness.
                                                                                           While  there  is increasing  demand  for  more meaningful moments  from
       We  believe  that  authenticity  is a  touchy, feely, sensory thing.                brands,  convenience  remains  an  important  consideration.  However,
       Unlocking  sensory  cues  that  fulfi ll  your  promise  to  the  consumer  in  a   people’s expectations of convenience are shifting. People are looking for
       tangible way. Think of it as the fi nal 5% of product engineering – that small      more involvement with their food. This may involve greater fl exibility,
       physical detail that punches above its weight.                                      creativity and customization.
       Personalization                                                                     PEPSICO understands this and has launched Quaker’s Overnight Oats, a

       Against  a  tide  of homogeneity,                                                   range  that  off ers  interaction  -  but  without
       people  are demanding  something                                                    much  physical  eff ort.  That  said,  those  who
       more personal.  This  can  take                                                     want to create an Instagram-ready breakfast
       many  forms,  from  a proliferation                                                 can go right ahead!
       of options  like  Estee  Lauder’s
           42  Shades,  to a yoghurt  that
              lets  you  add  the  granola

       79                                                                                                                                                        80
       FIVE FORCES OF EVERYTHING  People’s expectations  from  brands  are  also
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