Page 17 - Sensory Power - Chinese
P. 17



        Not all spaghetti is created equal.   So, this tiny sensory detail, the final 5%
                                              of product engineering, does so much
        Take De Cecco. The brand prides itself   to ensure the brand promise lands with
        on its heritage and excellence, with a   conviction (safeguarding trust).
        history of producing pasta, using     Without this small sensory nuance,
        traditional means, for over 130 years.   De Cecco would not be matching its
                                              words with its actions.
        The pack design accentuates this pride
        and heritage beautifully. Consumers   This example demonstrates beautifully
        really believe that this is the brand of   how it is possible to physically embed
        spaghetti that Italian housewives reach   and communicate valuable brand
        for.                                  equities in a powerfully consistent way
                                              – even in categories considered to be
        However, the real sensory power comes  more commoditised.
        from the spaghetti itself. What appears
        to be a subtle but distinctive design   BELLISSIMA!
        detail – a slightly flattened spaghetti
        with a subtle mottled effect – promotes
        clear communication of a more
        authentic brand.

           “It’s made the traditional
          way, you know when it goes
          through the cutters. It’s not
           mass produced like other

        This design detail reinforces the
        brand’s credibility, passion and
        individuality - equities that rivals
        would fight hand over fist for!
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