Page 200 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 200

                                       02269020/CAPE/KMS 2016 SPEC


        UNIT 2 - PAPER 02


2. (a) Definition of Legislation:
            - The process through which statutes are enacted by a
                   legislative body that is established and empowered to do

                   1 mark for each underlined phrase up to a maximum of 2

     (b) Difference between primary and secondary

             - Primary Legislation is the general term embracing laws
                   passed by the legislative bodies of Acts of Parliament.

             - Primary legislation refers to the Law, Act or Ordinance
                   passed by the legislature of a particular jurisdiction.

             - In contrast, secondary legislation is subordinate law
                   made by the executive branch within the boundaries laid
                   down by the legislature.

             - The powers to make secondary legislature are usually
                   conferred or delegated to Ministry, public bodies or the

             - Secondary legislation is principally made in the form of
                   Statutory Instruments and Regulations and their main
                   purpose is to supplement, administer, support and enforce
                   primary legislation.

             - In the context of financial services, secondary
                   legislation is generally legislation that has been
                   drafted by a regulatory body empowered to do so pursuant
                   to the primary law by which it is established.

             - Examples of Primary legislation are Acts of Parliament
                   and Statutes.

             - Examples of secondary legislation are codes, orders,
                   regulations or rules.

                   1 mark for primary legislation, 1 mark for secondary
                   1 mark each for examples of both legislations.

(c) Functions of a legislator:

- They lay down rules or principles that determine who can
    conduct financial services business.

- They lay down rules by which regulated financial services
    businesses must conduct their businesses and authorize

financial services.

- They supervise compliance with the rules either through

desk based supervision          or on-site inspections or a

combination of both.
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