Page 216 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 216


	 (c)	 Suggest a title for your study with reference to your general objective.                                                                   DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA      DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA      DO NOT WRITE IN THIS AREA  

		N.B.	 The title should be no more than FIFTEEN words in length, highlighting the key
                             variables of the study.




			                                                                              [2 marks]

	 (d)	 (i)	 Outline THREE reasons why a literature review is important in a study.









				                                                                             [6 marks]

		  (ii)	 Outline the steps you would take to conduct your literature review.








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				                                                                             [4 marks]

				                                                                             Total 20 marks

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