Page 59 - CAPE Financial Services Syllabus Macmillan_Neat
P. 59
Suggested Teaching and Learning Activities
To facilitate students’ attainment of the objectives in this Module, teachers are advised to engage
students in the following teaching and learning activities which may be done separately or merged to
facilitate sequencing and the completion of the SBA task. Teachers should use cooperative grouping
and simulation as often as possible to afford students the opportunity to have authentic and
meaningful experiences.
1. Use online resources or relevant texts to explain specific concepts then have students engage
in debating and cooperative grouping to deliver a debate or discussion based on the topic
“The Importance of Financial Statements in the Financial Services Industry”.
2. After guiding students through different aspects of financial reporting, engage them in
cooperative grouping. Provide them with worksheets on which there are tasks related to a
simplified financial report. The students should then interactively provide answers to
questions and prepare simplified financial reports. It is advisable that this activity be repeated
during the period that this Module is taught, so that each aspect can be adequately addressed
without overburdening the students and hampering the teaching and learning process.
RESOURCES Financial Ratios Explanation. 2006.
ICAP GROUP S. A. International Financial Reporting Standards for Small and
Medium-sized Entities. 2009.
International Accounting
Standards Board Financial Accounting (9th edition). Meigo: The McGraw Hill
Companies. 1997.
Meigs, A. F., Whittington, R.
and Meigs, M. Introduction to Accounting. 1996. London: McGraw Hill.
Meigs, R., Meigs, W., and Accounting Principles (7th edition). 1990. New York: John Wiley
Meigs, M. and Sons.
Weygandt, J., Keiso, D., and Principles of Financial Accounting. 2007. New York: John Wiley
Kell, W. and Sons Inc.
Weygandt, J., Keiso, D., and
Kell, W.
CXC A38/U2/16 54