Page 1 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1 - StrategicThemes SC August 2021
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                             SHAPING OUR FUTURE

          20 August 2021                                                                   Volume 1 / Issue 1

                                               STRATEGIC THEMES
                                               A question people often ask is, ‘what is strategy?’; scholars have numerous
            A digitally transformed            answers  to  this  question,  however,  for  our  purposes,  we  will  define

            enterprise providing               strategy  as  (a)  the  determination  of  the  direction  and  scope  of  the
                                               organisation and (b) the usage of the combined organisational resources,
            quality, relevant and
                                               skills and competencies to achieve a successful future.
            globally recognised
                                               At CXC  we are using the Balanced Scorecard (BSC) methodology to plan
            educational services.
                                               and manage our strategy. The BSC encapsulates the initiatives (projects
            MISSION                            that  are  or  will  be  implemented  to  achieve  the  set  objectives),  the
                                               measurements used to track success {key performance indicators (KPIs)},
            We develop the human               targets (the desired level of performance for each target) and the strategic
            capital of our Caribbean           objectives  (the  continuous  improvement  activities  that  should  be
            people through                     implemented to achieve success). Also included are the mission, values,
                                               customer value proposition and vision.
            partnerships for global
            competitiveness.                   Flowing from the vision are the strategic themes; think of these as pillars
                                               of excellence or areas that CXC has chosen to focus on. Strategic themes
                                               break down the vision into more operational terms or actional activities
                                               and focuses energy on desired results. Essentially, themes are the areas
                                               that you and I will be focusing on, the areas in which we must excel if we
          are to realise our vision.
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