Page 3 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1 - StrategicThemes SC August 2021
P. 3


                                              When CXC ‘delivers globally recognised, high quality products and services
                                              in  a  cost  effective  and  timely  manner,  it  can  be  said  that  we  have
                                              ‘Operational Excellence’. Please appreciate that you are essential to make
                                              this happen; your role is critical if this is to be accomplished.

                                              If you examine this concept, you will recognise that our values – results
                                              oriented,  professionalism,  excellence,  customer  focus  and
                                              teamwork – are interwoven through this theme and indeed throughout
                                              all the strategic themes. Our values underpin the strategy and underscores
                                              the fact that in every activity, however big or small, we must execute it with

                                              our values in mind.

                                              Operational Excellence looks like

                                                 •   efficient and on-time delivery and
                                                 •   agility and responsiveness to our customers and stakeholders.

                                              Challenge  yourself  and  your  colleagues  to  operate  with
                                              excellence in your tasks.

                                              GOVERNANCE EXCELLENCE

                                              Corporate Governance refers to the system of rules, practices and processes
                                              by which an organisation is directed and controlled, it is the relationship
                                              between  Council,  the  Governance  Committees  (AFC,  SEC,  etc.)   and  our
                                              executive management team.

                                              Governance ensures accountability,  transparency,  responsiveness,  rule  of

                                              law,  stability,  equity  and  inclusiveness,  empowerment,  and  broad-based
                                              participation throughout the organisation.

                                              Governance is not management but rather governance sets the parameters
                                              under  which  management  and  administrative  systems  will  operate.   Key
                                              components  of  good  governance  are  an  effective  risk  management
                                              programme, internal audit and compliance management.

                                              At CXC we view Governance Excellence as achieved when ‘we complete on
                                              an annual basis financial and management audits without non-
                                              conformances and operate within policy.’

          As you execute your daily tasks, please remember the four pillars and consider what improvements you can
          implement so that you operate with ‘excellence’. Encourage your colleagues to stive for excellence and let this be
          our hallmark.

                                         ‘Strategy is our job.’
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