Page 2 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 1 - StrategicThemes SC August 2021
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The four themes which will be CXC’s areas of focus, are:
1. Customer and Stakeholder Excellence;
2. Technology and Innovation Excellence;
3. Operational Excellence; and
4. Governance Excellence.
Each theme spans the four perspectives of the strategy map.
Let us now consider, what we mean by these broad themes; the answer is found in what are termed as strategic
results. Strategic results define the desired goal of the theme and the outcomes from successfully executing the
organisation’s strategy. Strategic results effectively tell us if we have achieved success.
To be successful a business must know who are its customers and stakeholders. These
are the persons whom the business is here to serve and who are affected by its
products and services. So, who are CXC’s customers and stakeholders? You, as a staff
member are one of our key stakeholders. Other stakeholders are teachers, Ministries
of Education, schools and universities, teachers, students, parents, employers and
trade unions.
As an organisation CXC wants to further cultivate ‘collaborative relationships with
resource persons, suppliers and partners in the delivery of products and services to
meet the mission of the organisation’.
With that in mind, some of the outcomes we can expect are:
• Reduction in complaints,
• Timely responses to customers
• Increased in candidate entries
• Wider acceptance of CXC products
It is worth asking ourself repeatedly - “how can I build collaborative
relationships, with my internal and external customer, as I execute my
A critical focus area for the organization as it fully transitions to an e-platform is
technology. CXC is transitioning to a digital platform, where all our processes are
automated, and allow for a seamless and responsiveness to our stakeholders. This is
our vision for the next five years. This change is not optional, a survey of the global
environment in which we operate and the regional challenges we encounter, make it
a regional imperative; notwithstanding the costs we will face going forward.
We and our partners may have a way to go BUT we, you and I, must steer this change,
if we are to remain relevant to our stakeholders and provide our students with a
foundation from which they can launch themselves onto the global arena. We want
to be at the forefront and we must deliver ‘digitally transformed, innovative
educational products and services … on secure, reliable and widely available
In practice ‘Technology and Innovation Excellence’ looks like:
• User friendly interfaces
• Improved accessibility
• Real time communication
• More digital product delivery
What else can you add to this list based on what is required of you to
complete your job and execute on the strategy?