Page 10 - Updated CVQ Handbook v2_Neat
P. 10

Requirements and Guidelines for School Administrators and Principals

        Links to other products in the CXC® Suite
        Prior to 2008 CXC® provided validation of learning for students who demonstrated
        acceptable performance in technical offerings both at the Caribbean Secondary
        Education Certificate (CSEC®), and Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination
        (CAPE®) levels.  With the addition of the CVQ*, teachers and industry experts are
        now encouraged to guide students in preparing evidences for the topics within the
        Caribbean Certificate of Secondary Level Competence (CCSLC®), CSEC®, and CAPE®
        syllabuses that are similar to the competencies in the CVQ* qualification as these
        evidences may contribute towards their CVQ* certification.

        Students may present these evidences in their portfolio to supplement or support
        their claim of competence.  This will help them to gain credit or exemptions from
        equivalent units thereby fast tracking certification. For example, holders of CSEC®
        Technical Drawing may use this to gain credit for related units on the Construction and
        Mechanical Maintenance, CVQ* qualifications. Also, pieces of course work done for
        CCSLC® Social Studies, may be included as evidence for Early Childhood Development
        or Allied Health - Health Care Assistance (Patient Care).

        Additionally, on the CXC® Qualification Structure the:

        1.       CVQ* Level 1 Certificate qualifications, CAPE® Units Grade IV, CCSLC® Group
            Certificates and CSEC® Grades I to III are mapped to the same level; while,

        2.      CVQ*Level 2 Certificate qualifications, CAPE® Units Grade I to V, CSEC® and CVQ*
            Group Certificates which are issued to candidates who attain acceptable scores in
            five or more subjects are mapped to the same level.

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