Page 11 - Updated CVQ Handbook v2_Neat
P. 11

Requirements and Guidelines for School Administrators and Principals



        The Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC®), in keeping with the mandate to facilitate
        CVQ* certification for secondary schools at Levels 1 and 2, has developed a Quality
        Management System/Strategy that guides the process for CVQ* certification.  Refer to
        Appendix 1, The Caribbean Vocational Qualifications (CVQ*s) PROCESS MAP (2014) for a
        summary of the process.

              BEFORE YOU START

        1.   Familiarise yourself with the CVQ* Framework
            Become familiar with the Regional Qualifications Framework (RQF), the
            certification levels and interpretations, the Regional Occupational Standards
            (ROS), the Facilities Standards and the Curriculum Guides (where they exist).  The
            approved Regional Occupational Standards (ROS) (some are listed on Appendix 2)
            are accessible electronically from the websites of the:
            (a)  Caribbean Examinations Council –;
            (b)  Caribbean Association of National Training Authorities  (CANTA) –
     ; and,
            (c)  Website of your local training authority (NTA or TVET Council).

        2.   Express Your Interest
            Communicate your interest to have students certified to the Caribbean
            Examinations Council (CXC®). Correspondences are to be sent to:

                 THE PRO-REGISTRAR
                 Western Zone Office
           37 Arnold Road, Kingston 5, Jamaica
                   T: 876 630 5200
                   F: 876 967 4972

        3.   Review the CVQ* Package
            In response to your expression of interest CXC® will send you the CVQ* Checklist
            for Readiness (Appendix 3), the Country Data Form for CVQ* (Appendix 4), and
            other pertinent information relating to the CVQ*.  Upon receipt, review, share the
            information and seek clarification if you deem it necessary.

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