Page 7 - If Covid was Really a Dream
P. 7

If Covid was Really a Dream

          Being the  superhero that I was, I could not afford

          another  death.  So,  my  team  and  I  began  the

          journey. We split up and entered every hospital in

          the USA, China, Europe and all the various parts

          of  the  world  and  healed  every  patient  who  was
          infected  with  COVID-19.  My  team  and  I  also

          donated  medication  that  would  prevent  people

          from  getting  infected,  especially  children.

          My  superhero  powers  allowed  me  to  cure

          everyone  and  provide  them  with  medication  in
          less than a week and of course, my name was on

          all the news channels and social media.

          After  my  work was  done,  I  sat  on my  hammock

          sipping  some  tea  and  reading  the  millions  of
          comments  about  my  superpowers.  Suddenly  my

          phone rang, it was my grade 4 teacher.

          “I  am  more  than  proud  of  you,  Dr  Superhero

          James!  You  have  achieved  your  dream  of

          becoming  the  world’s  greatest  superhero,”  she

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