Page 6 - The Magical Lagoon
P. 6

The Magical Lagoon

          Peaches and Makalah quickly ran back to the girls

          to tell them about their discovery. At first, none of

          the  girls  believed  them  and  laughed,  but  then

          Safaria,  Peaches’  best  friend  said,  “I  trust  them,

          and  I  am  going  with  them.”  Then  the  girls  ran
          behind  Makalah  who  was  leading  the  way

          towards  the  beautiful  lagoon.  When  they  got

          there, they were shocked by what they saw. In a

          daze, all the girls stepped closer to the water as if

          drawn by a magical power. As they waded deeper
          into  the  water,  they  were  caught  still  in  their

          tracks. It was at that moment the girls heard the

          lagoon  speak.  They  were  frightened  yet  amazed

          as the lagoon’s voice surrounded them.

          “I  am  a  magical  lagoon.  I  grant  wishes.  Tell  me
          your hearts’ desires and it shall be yours!”

          The girls could not believe their ears, but without

          thinking,  they  all  shouted,  “We  want  to  become


          The  magical  lagoon  told  the  girls  “Once  I  grant

          your wish you cannot return to your previous

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