Page 8 - The Magical Lagoon
P. 8

The Magical Lagoon

         They quickly scurried out from their sleeping bags

         and headed breathlessly straight into the water.

         “We’re  mermaids!”  shouted  Abiyolah  as  the  girls
         explored the sea.

         They  were  spellbound.  They  had  never  seen

         anything  so  beautiful.  They  saw  many  different

         species of fish and sea creatures. The corals at the

         bottom of  the sea  were  like a  kaleidoscope.  They
         wished they could spend all day just exploring the

         wonders  of  the  sea  but  after  hours  of  swimming,

         they got hungry. Kelly-Ann suggested that they go

         back to land to get something to munch on.

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