Page 3 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 7 - Strategic Objectives SO9-13 25Nov2021
P. 3

SO12: Improve Organisational Culture
                                     (Owner: Director of Technological Innovation)


                             Improves organisational culture through the facilitation of a balanced work life,
                               increased staff engagement, and commitment to CXC’s mission and vision.

                             Intended Results                                     KPI
            1.  Increase in staff engagement over prior year   Organisation Culture Index

            2.  Organisational culture and employee satisfaction have
            3.  Increase in innovations submitted by staff

            4.  Improved  incentive  and  recognition  programme,
               productivity,   visibility   of   “ResPECT”   initiative,
               understanding of the Council’s performance standards,
               and  compliance  with  operational  standards,  policies
               and processes
            5.  Reduced attrition
            6.  Increased   use   of   cross-functional   teams   on
               projects/strategic initiatives

                                     SO13: Improve Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes
                                        (Owner: Director of Corporate Services)


            Increases and improves the level of knowledge and skills/know-how of employees at all levels. Encourages and supports
              training and professional development, whether employer or employee initiated, that aligns with the organisation’s
              strategic objectives. Cross trains employees to expand their knowledge and skills and to facilitate business continuity.
                    We will employ and contract the right structures and skills to support CXC’s strategies and operations.
                             Intended Results                                     KPI

            1.  Employees’ skills match organisational needs   1.  % Implementation of approved learning and
                                                                  development plan
            2.  Employees perform competently and professionally
                                                              2.  Knowledge, Skills and Attitudes Index
            3.  Employees have tools to perform their tasks effectively
                                                              3.  Organisational Capacity Index
            4.  Employees  have  completed  their  training  and
               professional development programmes

            5.  Job satisfaction is increased
            6.  Increased capacity to fuel innovation
            7.  Employees  possess  adequate  skills  to  undertake  or
               assist in different roles
            8.  Gaps  resulting  from  retirements,  resignations,
               terminations or separations can be readily filled

                         Contact us: | Angela Lowe: | Atiba Griffith: |
                    Suzette Clarke: | Jackie Niles-Squires: | Website:

                                                  ‘Strategy is our job.’

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