Page 1 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 5 - Strategic Objectives SO6 SO7 26Oct2021
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Committed to

               Our People…

               Shaping Our


             Volume 1 / Issue 5                                                             26 October 2021

                                          STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES

            Continuing with the spotlight on the strategic objectives,   enhance  brand  awareness  (SO1)  through  improved
            we now turn our attention to SO6: Improve Product   marketing strategies and other initiatives that will drive
            and Service Quality and SO7: Increase Operational   improved  stakeholder  satisfaction  (SO2)  and  improved
            Efficiency  which  fall  under  the  business  processes   customer satisfaction (SO3).
            perspective  and  are  incorporated  in  the  operational
                                                                The  Council  has  also  found  it  necessary  to  increase
            excellence  strategic  theme  (similar  to  SO4:  Increase
                                                                operational efficiency (SO7) with the aim of reducing cost
            Revenue and SO5: Reduce Cost).
                                                                (SO5) which will ultimately lead to improved customer
                                                                satisfaction (S03).
            Improving product and service quality (SO6) will ensure
            that the Council maintains and improves on delivery of its
                                                                Are you seeing the linkages!?
            products  and  services.  Improved  product  and  service
            quality  is  expected  to  increase  revenue  (SO4)  and

                                      CXC’s Perspectives and Strategic Objectives, 2021 - 2025
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