Page 2 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 5 - Strategic Objectives SO6 SO7 26Oct2021
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SO6: Improve Product and Service Quality
                                            (Owner: Director of Operations)

                    CXC® provides stakeholders with access to current, relevant and quality products and services that are
                         error-free, internationally recognised, and meet or exceed globally established standards.
                             Intended Results                                       KPIs

            1.  Increase in acceptance by candidates,  employers and   1.  Product Quality index
               overseas higher education institutions to the benefit of   2.  Service Quality index

            2.  Improved service quality and products that respond to
               regional/international imperatives
            3.  Reduced complaints from customers on product quality

            4.  Increased demand for products and services

                                          SO7: Increase Operational Efficiency
                                            (Owner: Director of Operations)


                           Current business operations, practices, strategies, methods and technologies will be
                        reviewed and enhanced to effectively and efficiently deliver reliable services and products
                                   to fulfil customers’ and stakeholders’ needs and expectations.

                             Intended Results                                     KPI

            1.  Increased efficiency index (including service index)   Operational Efficiency Index
            2.  Improved  processes,  system  reliability  (integrated
               systems),  project  management  methodology,  and
            3.  Implemented quality management system (policies and
               procedures implemented)
            4.  ISO 9001: 2015 registered

                                   SO8: Enhance Corporate Performance Management

             Given that the  organisation’s overall  goal is to improve corporate performance  which will be driven by the overall
             strategy,  SO8:  Enhance  Corporate  Performance  Management  was  deemed  redundant  and,  as  a  consequence,  was
             removed from the list of objectives. (The target for Corporate Performance is 9, using a normalised scale from 0 – 10.)
             The original numbering of SO9 – SO13 remains the same.

                        Contact us: | Angela Lowe: | Atiba Griffith: |
                   Suzette Clarke: | Jackie Niles-Squires: | Website:

                                                  ‘Strategy is our job.’

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