Page 5 - The Harvey's Survival Against Hurricane Imma
P. 5
The Harvey’s Survival Against Hurricane Imma
Pinky gathered all the tinned items like Corned
Beef, Vienna Sausage, Tuna, Spam, water to drink,
flush toilets as well as toiletries. Mary secured all
the important documents like passports and land
papers into Ziploc bags. Mary is always thinking
ahead so she also gathered batteries, candles,
first aid kits, battery operated radio and packed a
bag of clothes and food in the event that they
had to evacuate. Peter and the boys harvested all
the crops like corn, sweet potatoes, sweet
peppers, onions, okras, mangos, and avocados.
Irma finally greeted the island of Middle Caicos
with strong winds. The Harvey's recognized that
the animals would not survive these rushing
winds, so they started to secure the animals as
well as the windows and doors of their house and
barn. The chairs and beds were covered with
tarpaulin, phones were charged, and tractor filled
with gas.
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