Page 1 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 2 - Strategic Objectives SO1 SO2 SO3 V01
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Committed to
Our People…
Shaping Our
Volume 1 / Issue 2 3 September 2021
VISION Strategic objectives are the critical indicators of progress
A digitally transformed continuous improvement activi- toward intended results that help
ties that must be implemented an organisation understand if it is
enterprise providing
for an organisation to achieve achieving its goals. This is achieved
quality, relevant and
success. Objectives qualitatively by tracking progress against set
globally recognised
capture and break down what we targets (the desired level of
educational services. want to accomplish – our vision performance) and is done by using
and mission – into manageable, the Balanced Scorecard.
actionable areas of focus.
The strategic objectives are
Over the period, 2021 – 2025, categorised under the four
MISSION the Council will be guided by perspectives, the lens through
We develop the human 13 strategic objectives, each of which the organisation is viewed
capital of our Caribbean which has been assigned an and through which the four
people through owner. Performance will be strategic themes run as shown in
measured using key performance Figure 1 below.
partnerships for global
indicators (KPIs). KPIs are the
1. Results Oriented
2. Professionalism
3. Excellence
4. Customer Focus
5. Teamwork
Figure 1: Themes and Perspectives