Page 2 - Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 2 - Strategic Objectives SO1 SO2 SO3 V01
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The 13 strategic objectives are depicted in Figure 2 below.  In this Issue, we examine SO1, SO2 and SO3.

                                     Figure 2: Perspectives and Strategic Objectives, 2021 - 2025

                                            SO1: Enhance Brand Awareness
                                          (Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO)

                              Descriptions                        Intended Results               KPIs
             This  objective  aims  to  increase  the  visibility  and  global  1.  Enhanced reputation   1.  Recognition Index
             recognition  of  CXC’s  products  and  corporate  image   2.  Increased brand awareness  2.  Brand Reputation
             through  increased  and  targeted  public  relations  and   and brand equity   Index
             marketing,  and  the  establishment  of  CXC  as  a  thought   3.  Enhanced value and
             leader - influencing the regional educational agenda.
                                                                competitiveness of our
                                                                products and services

                                         SO2: Improve Stakeholder Satisfaction
                                            (Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO)

             This objective seeks to improve satisfaction by facilitating  Stakeholder satisfaction has   1.  Stakeholder
             consistent,  timely  communication  with  stakeholders  increased             Satisfaction Index
             through adherence to service level agreements, policies                    2.  External Stakeholder
             and  procedures;  creating  positive  relationships  with                     Index
             stakeholders  using  a  people-centred  approach;  and
             leveraging  technology  to  incorporate  effective  digital                3.  Internal Stakeholder
             communication  tools  to  create  additional  avenues  for                    Index
             interaction with key stakeholders.

                                          SO3: Improve Customer Satisfaction
                                            (Owner: Pro-Registrar/Deputy CEO)
             Through  this  objective,  CXC  seeks  to  consistently  Customer satisfaction has   1.  Customer Value Index
             understand  and  anticipate  customers’  needs;  meet  or  increased       2.  Customer Perception/
             exceed their expectations; adhere to its Customer Service                     Relations Index
             Charter;  increase  the  level  of  communication  with
             customers;  and  develop  products  and  services  that
             respond to customers’ needs.

                         Contact us: | Angela Lowe: | Atiba Griffith: |
                       Suzette Clarke: | Jackie Niles-Squires: | Website:

                                                  ‘Strategy is our job.’

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