Page 8 - The Best Carnival Ever
P. 8

The Best Carnival Ever

          One of the masqueraders waved to Kim and her

          brother  and  asked  them  if  they  would  like  to
          come aboard the truck.  Kim and Michael said yes

          and  hopped  on.    They  were  having  the  time  of

          their lives.  They were talking to the masquerader

          named Alice. She said that they were going to the

          last judging point at the Stadium.

          While  going  to  the  Stadium  they  were  both

          dancing  away  to  Calypso  and  Soca  music  and

          waving  to  the  crowd.    When  all  the  mas  bands

          arrived at the Stadium for the final judging it took

          the judges a while to add up the points.

          The judges were about to announce the winners.

          Everyone  was  on  the  edge  of  their  seats.
          They  proclaimed  the  winner  and  the  winning

          band  was  the  band  Kim  and  Michael  had

          participated in.

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