Page 4 - Home Alone
P. 4

Home Alone
            t  was  Jody  and  Billy’s  parents’  anniversary.

          The parents woke up and decided to go to Hawaii

          for  vacation  and  drop  the  children  off  at

          Grandma’s House. They woke the children up and

          told  them  the  exciting  news.  They  all  began  to
          pack happily together.  After packing, they all ate

          a healthy breakfast and packed the car with their

          things.  Soon they were off to Grandma’s house.

          When  they  arrived  at  Grandma’s  house,  the

          parents  hurriedly  unloaded  the  children’s  things
          and drove away. They didn’t even wait to see the

          children get inside because they were so excited

          to go on their trip. Jody knocked on the door and

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