Page 4 - Maintex Enquirer
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How do we challenge ourselves in 2018? Stu Silverman
“Approach this new year setting goals for yourself that push “ beyond your usual boundaries
As most of you know, we made signi cant investments in the company’s growth last year. Our commitment to new technologies, marke ng and process improvement has and will con nue to be front and center to ensure that Maintex stays compe  ve and that we secure our posi on as an industry leader.
Taking Maintex to the next level, however, is not just about inves ng from the outside in. The company’s growth is also dependent on the a tudes, accountability and focus that each of you bring to your respec ve responsibili es every single day.
A new year gives you a fresh start to do what you do be er and to contribute in ways that will not only help Maintex become a be er company but also expand each of your opportuni es to grow as a professional. It takes commitment, but the rewards can be great.
So, as we begin this year, ask yourself some ques ons:
How am I managing my  me each day? Am I e cient? Focused? Am I dedica ng  me to the aspects of my job that have the most impact on the company?
Am I thinking outside the box and bringing a fresh approach to what I do? Developing a be er system? Looking for ways to innovate? Pushing past what’s become “comfortable” and “just enough” to excel?
Am I con nuing to learn? Reading a book or an ar cle about our industry or how to improve in  me-management, prospec ng or project management? Seeking some training in a new system or skill that will enhance my professionalism and performance?
These are the kinds of ques ons I try to ask myself, and I would like to challenge each of you to do the same. Approach this new year se ng goals for yourself that push beyond your usual boundaries of business as usual. I guarantee that you will not only improve your performance but you will also enjoy what you do much more, and together we will help take Maintex to the next level of growth.

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