Page 6 - Maintex Enquirer
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Announcing our
New Maintex Catalog
Danny Silverman
When our last catalog was published in 2013, it weighed in at 175 pages and was immediately out of date! Crea ng the new catalog last year has been a hugely me-consuming process, but I am happy to announce that we now have a terri c new catalog that should last us well into the future as a valuable resource for our customers and an important selling tool.
While the digital revolu on is certainly here, and maintex. com is the most up-to-date source for product informa on, many of our customers s ll prefer a printed volume that they can hold and browse. With that in mind, we are proud to introduce our new catalog for 2018. This catalog is beau fully printed and contains over 75 addi onal pages of products. It features a new design that matches our updated brand as well as over a thousand new and revised items.
Crea ng the new catalog was a major team e ort over many months last year that would not have been possible without the hard work and dedica on of the Art Department along with key sales sta , Customer Service, Purchasing and others.
We are very excited to introduce our updated catalog to customers and to you. Sales sta distributed them to customers last month when they made their rounds with holiday treats!
When you have a moment, stop by the Customer Service Department and take a look at this new edi on!
Keeping Up With Poway Brian Goad
Last year brought challenges and
opportuni es for Maintex as we
pursued new business in one of
our major target ver cals - Building
Services Contractors. Compe on was
tougher than ever, but I am proud to
announce that the Poway team grew
revenue in that sector by 22%. How did
we do it? We worked hard, of course, to
deliver on me and to minimize back-
orders, but some of our compe tors
did, too. We know that the factor that really moved the dial was increasing our clients’ trust in Maintex by working more closely not only with a client’s ownership and facility manager, but also strengthening our partnerships with line managers.
Solving problems, training and doing our homework upfront also created trust. We customized a successful grout cleaning seminar for a client who couldn’t get le oors clean in high- tra c areas. We made sure that whenever possible, we accompanied a BSC on site walks at their customer’s facility to understand the issues rst-hand and provide proac ve solu ons. Also, having integrity creates value. One client told us that we were the only supplier he allowed to deliver direct to his customers because he knows that we would never try and take the business for ourselves.
Cumula vely, this meant that in addi on to new accounts, our biggest growth came from signi cantly expanding exis ng accounts. This year we will con nue to earn that trust with prospects, new clients and exis ng customers to bring in record revenue growth in all sectors.