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Customer Service The Maintex Way
Jay Holliday
Providing truly excellent customer service is a skill that takes commitment, prac ce and consistency. There is no single way to deliver great service but there are standards of interac on that make a big di erence on how we deliver the right experience to our customers. Below are some  ps on providing customer service the Maintex way:
1. Be a Good Listener
Take the  me to iden fy customer needs by asking ques ons and concentra ng on what the customer is really saying. Listen to their words, the tone of voice, body language, and most importantly, how they feel.
2. Iden fy and An cipate Needs
Customers don’t buy products or services. They buy rela onship and solu ons to problems. The more you know your customers, the be er you become at an cipa ng their needs.
3. Make Customers Feel Important and Appreciated
Treat them as individuals. Whenever you can, use their name and be sincere. Sincerity creates trust. Thank them every  me you get an opportunity.
4. Body Language Is Key
Be sure that your body language conveys your willingness to serve. Your words and ac ons should both tell the same posi ve story.
5. Know our Products
Help customers understand the bene ts and applica ons of our products. Every one of us needs to be experts on Maintex products and systems. The more you know, the be er you can educate and answer a customer’s ques ons.
6. Appreciate the Power of “Yes”
Always look for ways to help your customers. When they have a request (as long as it’s reasonable), tell them that you can do it and if you can’t,  nd someone in Maintex who can.
7. Know How to Apologize
When something goes wrong, apologize. It’s easy, and customers appreciate it. You may not think that the customer is always right, but it’s our responsibility to solve their problem quickly. View a complaint as an opportunity for us to improve.
8. Exceed Expecta ons
Since the future of all companies lies in keeping customers happy, think of ways to elevate Maintex above the compe  on. Ask yourself and your colleagues:
• What can we give customers that they can’t get elsewhere?
• How can we improve our systems, products and delivery?
• What can we give customers that is totally unexpected?
• What can we do to follow-up and thank people that will inspire them to come back for more?

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