Page 7 - Maintex Enquirer
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Education Report Card
Carol Dell’Aquila
One of our major target ver cals is the educa on sector and the poten al for business in this area spans all types of campuses – K-12 to large universi es. Our “report card” in Educa on showed 7% growth last year – in sync with company goals but s ll leaving plenty of room to expand in 2018 as we con nue to re ne our approach to prospec ng and pitching to poten al customers. We call that a solid B+.
The Industry team did an excellent job of
evalua ng the compe on, assessing points of entry for Maintex and developing pricing strategies that would be compelling for budget-conscious school districts. We used the Smart Procurement System - a great tool that shows contract pricing levels for government and school district service providers. Smart Procure gave us a window into how we could be more compe vely priced. We leveraged the RFP process more strategically to get our foot in the door and started with a few smaller items and expanded our presence and scope of services. The process starts by calling on the Purchasing Deparment, as well as Maintenance and Opera ons. In addi on to these departments, we then expand into Food Service, Nursing and Risk Management for future sales opportuni es.
Currently, our sales reps are assigned to targe ng schools in every county - Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino- and are hi ng the pavement early on so that we uncover every opportunity. We won’t consider anything less than 15% growth an A+. We have some work ahead and will keep you posted!
Ef ciencies
Jose Guerrero
It was a busy 2017 at Maintex. The year seems to have own by: but as we trace back we certainly have accomplished a lot!
As you know, we are always looking to improve. Our
commitment to Con nuous Improvement has never been
stronger and I am impressed by everyone’s par cipa on. With
that said, you may have no ced warehouse products moved to
‘new’ storing areas. This is part of an on-going improvement
into the supply-chain opera on. Every month we generate a
report dubbed Velocity-Report which helps us review products
by loca on, and ‘bin’ hits. We take this informa on as a tool
to help us reduce travel- me by moving items which are regularly picked closer to a Main aisle or Shipping Point. I know the amount of hard-work, e ort, and disrup on that goes into moving merchandise so it goes without saying that I am thankful to those of you that keep the wheels spinning.
Thank you for making 2017 an exci ng year, and be on the look out for upcoming improvements as we focus on streamlining our packaging supply work ow.
“We won’t consider anything less
than 15% growth an A+.“