Page 5 - Maintex Enquirer
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Lights, Camera, Action!
Linda Silverman
The Maintex Technical Video Training Series is an important sales and marke ng ini a ve we launched last year and will con nue to expand as we establish ourselves as a go-to training resource for our customers. Each video explains how to perform common cleaning tasks and is accompanied by a brochure outlining the steps. All are professionally lmed and narrated in both English and Spanish. We have completed ve videos to date and have two more in produc on.
The rst series focuses on cleaning housing communi es and was lmed at an upscale apartment complex in Irvine. It includes four short episodes designed to train a customer’s cleaning sta on the proper cleaning techniques for outdoor barbecues, tness centers, pool areas, pa o furniture and pet areas. The one and only Jose Baez stars in every episode!
Another video highlights the Maintex Dilu on Solu on system, explaining the bene ts, installa on procedures and overall applica on. This was shot on loca on in Poway at the newly refreshed cleaning supply closet updated with a beau ful new epoxy oor and water heater.
We have also completed two addi onal videos - Floor Care and Carpet Care – in which Jose was joined by Armando Navarro in a starring role with walk-on appearances by Chris Brecker and John Frisch!
Making a training video is a me-consuming process that involves wri ng a script, crea ng storyboards, scou ng loca ons, lming, edi ng, and adding narra on. Our videographer Sergio is a real pro and he uses a second camera person to capture a variety of angles for each shot. Shoo ng a 3-minute episode takes at least four to ve hours of camera me and the edi ng and voice over take several addi onal days.
These new videos represent a signi cant nancial investment aimed at building our Maintex brand and delivering the best products and tools for our customers. We also plan to use these and other training materials to teach new and exis ng sta with the best, most up-to-date cleaning prac ces. We will be pos ng teasers on You Tube and our website. Please make sure you check them out!