Page 247 - Udaan 2019-2021 Final
P. 247

Rabindranath Tagore, who was a visionary
           It is interesting to know that the
                                                            far ahead of his time said during his
           ancient Vedas have several
                                                            address at the opening, ceremony of Visva-
           references in them on environmental
                                                            Bharati Cheena-Bhavan on April 14, 1937:
           protection, ecological balance,
                                                            “We had, for over a century, been so
           weather cycles, rainfall phenomena,
                                                            successfully hypnotised and dragged by
           and related issues that indicate the
                                                            the prosperous West behind its chariot that,
           high level of awareness of India
                                                            though choked by the dust, deafened by
           during ancient times. The protection
                                                            the noise, humbled by our helplessness,
           of the environment and sustainable
                                                            overwhelmed by speed, we yet agreed to
           living was understood to be closely
                                                            acknowledge that this chariot-drive was
           related  the protection of the dyaus or
                                                            progress, and that progress was
           heavens and prithvi, or earth.
                                                            civilization. If we ever ventured to ask,
           Between these two lies the
                                                            however humbly: Progress towards what,
           atmosphere and environment we
                                                            and progress for whom? It was considered
           refer to as “paryavaran.”
                                                            to be peculiarly and ridiculously oriental to
                                                            entertain such doubts about the

                                                            absoluteness of progress.
           The Rig Veda venerates deities like
                                                            Today we are emboldened to ask: what is
           Mitra, Varuna, Indra, Maruts and
                                                            the value of progress if it make a desert of
           Aditya, that are responsible for
                                                            this beautiful world of man?”
           maintaining the fine balance of
           Panchabootas, Khiti, Ab,Tej, Marut,
           and Vyom – earth,  water, fire, wind
                                                            The truly wealthy and successful is not the
           and space.
                                                            person who chases instant gratification
                                                            and mindless competitive consumerism or
                                                            ostentatious display, but one who uses
                                                            wealth to create a mindset of sustainability
                                                            and wellbeing for the collective.

                                                            Our efforts begin as they must, at home, in
                                                            the precious small things, just as
                                                            Dhirubhai had done long ago with his

                                                                     Background Art: Rigya Mishra

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