Page 254 - Udaan 2019-2021...
P. 254
That particular classroom has witnessed to a lot in my personal journey in DPSN. I
was sitting in my seat when I heard the announcement for that year’s Student
Council: I had somehow made it to the list! I had applied just for the sake of it. I
was a very unconfident teenager – God forbid if I ever let it show, though! Never
had I ever expected to make it to a list of that sort. I still have my badge tucked
away safely. From there on, I unconsciously made the decision to give myself a
shot. Usually, I would not try and pretend to not care about it either.
Stage fright has plagued me my entire life. I would still rather be off stage than on
it. Yet, in the pursuit of new chances, I found myself on stage…debating! Anyone
who has stage fright will probably agree when I say that debating is incredibly
intimidating. I was stiff and I think I never ranked above third place. Yet, it was still
the first time I had managed to muster up the courage to do anything of the sort so
it was still a win for me. Mention of me on stage will be incomplete without a
mention of the play I took part in right after joining school. I played three roles, not
because of my astounding dramatic flair, no, but because we were short of people.
Everything on stage can be managed as long as you look the part, I have learned.
When I look back on the two years I spent here, the word that comes to my mind is
‘happy’. There were downs too, as is the case with everything, but I don’t think have
spent any two years more blissful than the ones I spent here. I am not sixteen
anymore, and neither do I wish to be. Yet, I am glad I was here when I was, for I
don’t think I’d have become who I am at twenty-two had I never made it here.
In 2014, the year I joined. I went to Delhi with a few other students to participate in
a fest. I was stunned (and touched) that Principal Ma’am had chosen me, a new
student to be a part of that team. There I was in Delhi, with my classmate who was
also in the team (and who would go on to become a dear friend of mine). It was
night and we were all hanging out in the host school’s vast ground. I was smiling
and I thought to myself, “This is so much fun. I can’t wait to go back to school and
tell everyone about it.”