Page 255 - Udaan 2019-2021...
P. 255


                                             --GARGI MUKHERJEE, ISC BATCH, 2020

         What     is   a   person,    if   not   a
                                                                                   I   spent   most     of   my
         collection      of   thousands       of
                                                                                   childhood           in      a
         assorted         memories?          Of
                                                                                   suitcase.  Ever  since
         things       they       remember,
                                                                                   I   could     remember,
         things  they  wish  they  could
                                                                                   our      family         was
         forget        and        wonderful
                                                                                   always          moving—
         recollections          that      have
                                                                                   one     year       in    this
         over  time  become  a  part  of
                                                                                   country,      two     more
         them     forever?      Such    is   the
                                                                                   years       in    another
         power  of  memory,  of  these
                                                                                   country.         It     was
         tiny  fragments  of  the  world
         and    the   people      around     us                                    always       the     same.

         that      we       carry       within
                                                                                   We    would      move      to
         ourselves.      Some      memories
                                                                                   one    place,      unpack
         are   better    left   alone   in   the
                                                                                   and      settle       down
         abyss     of   our   minds,     while
                                                                                   both      literally     and
         others     are    more     precious
                                                                                   metaphorically, and
         than  any  material  pleasure
                                                                                   right   when      I   would
         that    the   world      can    offer.
                                                                                   finally    start    to   feel
         We    all   have    memories       we
                                                                                   at   home,     my    father
         could  never  let  go  of,  so  let
                                                                                   would      get    another
         me     tell   you    about      some
                                                                                   transfer      and      we’d
         memories         which       I    hold
                                                                                   have        to      uproot
         dear,        which      are    partly
                                                                                   ourselves       and     shift
         responsible for shaping me
                                                                                   base again.
         into   the   person      that   I   am
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