Page 152 - Udaan 2019-2021...................
P. 152
Yoga, chitta vritti nirodha.
Yoga or Yog literally means “Union”. Union of an Organism with God, union of the Individual with
the Universal, Of the Self with the Infinite Spirit. It means to move beyond the material world
towards an experiential reality where one knows the ultimate nature of existence, the way it is
We define ourselves by our body, mind and energy. However, the body is only an accumulation of
food. Our mind is an accumulation of thoughts and emotions. It is the soul among these that is
the ultimate. We are not our body or mind, our soul is our actual identity.
'YOGA' -The elixir of life.
This has been established by Indian Spiritualists since ancient times in scientific treatises and
teachings. We know that the soul exists in theory but Yoga helps us to understand it practically.
Only through Yoga we can be aware and consciously experience our soul. Therefore, Yoga is
the Science of the Spirit.
Through Yoga, one can bring forth a tremendous experience of life. The better we understand
the working of our body, mind and soul, the more efficiently we can use it. Yoga raises our
consciousness, restores health, brings clarity to the way we see things or situations and
replenishes energy.
Almost everyone in the West and many India believe that Yoga is a physical exercise, breathing
movements or a fancy to achieve ‘inner peace’. In fact, Yog-asanas are but a miniscule aspect
of the entire Yogic system and are called “Hatha Yoga”. It is a huge tragedy that today’s
generation finds Yoga disinteresting or outdated due to lack of awareness of the fact that Yoga
is not a series of ancient Indian postures but a holistic universal science which can never be
outdated. In the Bhagavad Gita, Yoga is described as ‘the art of working, the very art of living
life’. Yoga can be performed through every action: in performing one’s duties, in studying, in
making decisions and in many other ways. Thus, Yoga is the performance of one’s actions with