Page 241 - Udaan 2019-2021...................
P. 241

A  n  k  l  e  t

            M  s  .     M  a  d  h  u  i  r  i  m  a     A  c  h  a  r  y  a  .

        My home town, Pali is a beautiful place

        with its local tri bes and migr          nts who had

        come ther        for  livelihood. Most of the
        migr    nts turn ed into miners  and the r          st

        start ed ru nning small shops selling daily

        essentials. Ther        wer    n’t many people in
        the town. The place was surr ounded by

        mountains, meadows and lakes. Most

         people finished their        work  duri ng
        daylight. The place har          ly functioned

        after   dusk. Ther       was no public tr       nsport
        either.  To commute either          one had to own

        a vehicle or     tru st the power     of their   legs.

        It was 7.30 pm in the evening and I was
        r  turn ing home fro m a fri end’s place who

        lived in a differ     nt colony . Her      name was
        Mala. Whenever         I came home, visiting her

        was a must. This time I bro ught her             a

        leather    purs e fro m the city and she gifted
        me a pair     of anklets. An Anklet is a very

        import ant piece of orn ament worn  by

        ladies aro und their       ankles. I was very
        happy to r      ceive my gift. It was exactly

        like one of those I had always wanted to

        possess. It was made of silver             and was
        decor     ted with  ankle bells that made a

        distinguished sound. I immediately tied it
        aro und my ankle.

                                                                             Shreyasi Majumdar, IX E
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