Page 173 - PERSIAN 9 1941_1947_Neat
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          8. Electric Department

               Owing to lighting restrictions caused by the War,
          there was not the usual revenue from this source.
               The two chief additions to the existing load were

          (1) a new high tension lino from Kuharraq town sub-station
          to the R.A.F. aerodrome at Muharraq; and (2) a new 400
          volt feeder to the old premises of Cable and Wireless
               The wiring of houses by local contractors continued,
          but at a reduced rate, due to the scarcity and high co3t

          of wiring material. Approximately 250 points were added
          during 1942 as compared with 450 in 1941.
               The total number of telephone subscribers at the end
          of the year was 93, as compared with 86 during 1941.
          9. Pearling Industry

               The number of pearling dhows in operation was slightly
          larger than in the previous year — 298 as against 222;
          but the catch during the 1942 season was not good. Weather
          conditions were unfavourable, and the smaller dhows had

          to spend much of their time taking shelter against
          unusually high winds which swept down the Gulf from time to
          time. Good prices were obtained for pearls after the diving
          season had been closed for some weeks, but the profits of

          nakhodaa and divers were much below average as the greatly
          increased cost of foodstuffs added enormously to the
          expense of provisioning the fleet. Generally epeaking the
         pearling season was poor but not as bad as that of 1940.
          Advances to divers were as followsi-
                                                Dlver     Puller
                    Te8qaam                  fc. 30
                    Salaf                    fe. 30
                    Kharjeeh                 fc. 20
                                             fc. 80
   168   169   170   171   172   173   174   175   176   177   178